Chapter 3: New Places, New Faces

"We will be joining Senator Antilles on his ship," Shaana said as she and Obi-Wan walked to the landing pad. "Bail has asked us to help him with a small problem. They have some settlers trying to make homesteads on the plains. However, there is an intelligent alien race that has taken residence on those same plains."

Obi-Wan struggled with the suitcases. "So, you are to mediate between the aliens and the Alderaanians?"

"Somewhat. I will be there to translate for the aliens. You are to be the mediator."

He stopped in his tracks. "I beg your pardon?"

"This will give you a chance to learn how to use the Force to translate languages."

He gaped at her back as she moved on.

"Come now, Obi-Wan. We mustn't keep the Senator waiting."

Shaana surprised Obi-Wan during their training sessions aboard Alderaan's Glory. He never expected her to be as skilled with a saber as she was. Repeatedly, she had kicked his tail while practicing. Her Force shield also fascinated him. Any time he slipped up or got a lucky shot in on her, his saber would bounce off her shield.

The Senator's pilot was a Sullustan, and Shaana asked him to help her teach Obi-Wan how to translate alien languages using the force. He readily agreed. Obi-Wan started slow, but quickly learned how to manipulate the Force to understand what the Sullustan was saying.

They arrived on Alderaan mid-morning. The sun rose above the mountains to the west creating a spectacular view. Obi-Wan inhaled deeply the sweet, fresh air. He began to choke as the different smells attacked his senses.

Shaana gave him a little pat on the back. "The air is much cleaner here than on Coruscant." She grinned warmly at the young man.

Prince Organa came out to meet them. "It is such a pleasure to see you, Lady Shaana."

The Jedi Master bowed to the young prince. "It is always a pleasure to come to your home, Bail. I would like you to meet Obi-Wan Kenobi. He is a Padawan, a Jedi apprentice."

The teen boy offered his hand Obi-Wan. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Bail Organa, Crown Prince of Alderaan."

Obi looked to Shaana for instructions. Shake his hand and bow to him, she told him telepathically. He took Bail's hand and shook it while he bowed. "I am honored to make your acquaintance, Prince Organa."

Bail looked up and saw his namesake standing nearby. "Uncle Bail!" He ran and hugged the Senator. "What did you bring me?"

Bail Antilles chuckled heartily. "I brought you two Jedi, young prince. Is that not enough?"

He stepped back, chagrined. "Um, yes. That is enough. I am sorry. Please, you all must come in. We have a light lunch awaiting you. My father will be happy that you are here."

The afternoon was spent with Prince Bail showing Obi-Wan around the capital while Shaana, Bail Antilles and the king met to discuss their course of action for the next day. Obi-Wan wondered why he wasn't in on the meeting. Shaana told him that it was more important for him to get to know Prince Bail. "It is important that you and the prince become friends," she said. "Trust me on this, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan awoke the next morning feeling very refreshed. He did his meditations then dressed for breakfast. A servant came to escort him to the dining hall where everyone else was eating.

The hall was huge. Several long tables stretched out along the wall were covered with all types of fruits and breads. There were eggs of some type of fowl and fried meats. The scents accosted Obi-Wan as he entered and his mouth watered. He was told to get whatever he wanted then sit at the central table in the room.

He filled his plate to overflowing and went to sit beside Shaana.

"Did you sleep well, Obi-Wan," she asked as he sat.

"Yes. I had the most relaxing sleep I have ever had."

The king chuckled. "The night birds have such a soothing sound. We keep them as pets for our small children to help them sleep."

"My daughter needs one for my granddaughter. She is quite a handful."

"Much like her grandmother, I suspect."

This was the first time Obi-Wan had ever seen Shaana embarrassed. She blushed profusely, raising her napkin to cover her face. "Your majesty," she exclaimed.

"Would you not agree, young Obi-Wan?"

Obi-Wan was awed that the king would ask him a question. "Uh, well your majesty, um, she is an excellent teacher and works one thoroughly..." He trailed off, not sure exactly what to say.

Luckily, Bail Antilles saved them both. "Your majesty, you shouldn't taunt your guests like that."

"It's alright, Bail. He is quite right. I am very much like Obi-Wan's Master, Qui-Gon. I am as much of a rebel as he is." Shaana sighed. "I hope my children and grandchildren will be okay."

Bail laid a hand on her arm. "Not to worry, my friend," he whispered. "We will make sure they are well taken care of."

Obi-Wan wondered why the man had said that to her. The entrance of the prince belayed any thoughts.

Bail sat beside Obi-Wan. "Good morning, my friend. I trust you slept well."

He smiled at the younger boy. "Yes, I did. Thank you for asking. Are you not going to eat?"

"Are you kidding? I've been up since dawn. I took my morning ride, fed the horses and the cows, cleaned my portion of the sables and bathed before coming here."

He looked astonished. "You've done all that this morning?"

"Not everyone has to meditate in the morning, Obi-Wan," Shaana said.

The prince laughed. "Don't look so surprised, Obi. I have chores to do like any other person. Just because I'm a prince doesn't mean I shouldn't do my share of the work around here."

King Organa beamed proudly at his son. His gaze shifted quickly to the Jedi Master.

Shaana had a painful look on her face, which she quickly tried to cover. Her chair scraped along the marble as she pushed it back to stand. "Please excuse me," she said as she hastily left the room.

Obi-Wan felt the spike in the Force, but the squeal of the chair legs on the floor broke his concentration. He looked up in time to see Shaana moving away from the table. He began to rise, but Bail Antilles laid a hand on his arm.

"Leave her be, young man. She will be fine." Bail looked him deeply in the eyes.

He understood the meaning and sat back down. Conversation began around him, but he heard nothing. He pushed his food around his plate as he tried to figure out what had happened to Shaana. It wasn't until he heard the scrape of his own chair against the floor that he realized he had stood. He looked at the men at the table. "Excuse me. I have preparations to make for today." Absently, he walked from the dining hall.

Obi-Wan walked down the hall. He had no idea where he was going, but knew he needed to find Shaana.

"Hey, Obi-Wan! Wait for me!" Prince Bail ran down the hall towards him.

He stopped and waited for the boy to catch up. "What can I do for you, Prince Bail?"

"Just call me Bail. You're only a couple of years older than me, tops. It'll be easier during the talks."

"I don't understand."

"My dad asked me to be the royal representative in dealing with the creatures on the plains. I'm going with you. Don't you think it's going to be fun?"

He looked at the prince. Yes, he was just a few years younger than him, about twelve or thirteen. What was the most odd was the way he acted. It was nothing like how he thought a prince should act. "I suppose."

"Lady Shaana is going to be ok. Dad and Bail said she just needed some time alone. Why don't you and I go check and see if the speeders are ready for our trip?"

He looked down the hall. "I'm sure if she needs me, she will send for me. Show me the way, Bail." With a wave of his arm, he directed the prince to lead.
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