Chapter 4: Broken Promises

Shaana reappeared when the caravan was ready to leave. She looked tired to Obi-Wan and that worried him. She said very little as they traveled across the countryside. He used the time to meditate and focus himself on the impending matter.

Obi-Wan picked up the language of the small creatures rather quickly. He and Bail worked together to come up with suitable negotiations. Shaana excused herself once, right after Obi-Wan felt a spike in the Force. She returned an hour later looking even more tired than before.

He was sitting by the fire after having cleaned up the dinner dishes when she came to him. "Obi, would you please come take a walk with me?"

"Of course," he said as he jumped to his feet. They walked in silence as she led him through the camp.

Once beyond the lights and noise, she stopped. They stood on a hill that overlooked the plains. "I know you are wondering about the spikes in the Force you have been feeling."

"Yes I have. I thought if it was something I should know that you would tell me."

"I have to leave."

He blinked. Leave? Why would she have to leave? "Okay."

She looked at him and cocked her head. "You have learned much. Do you think you will be able to continue the negotiations without me?"

He nodded. "Yes. Bail and I have come up with what we think will be a suitable solution for the Kirwees."

"Good. I must leave tonight. I wanted to make sure you were comfortable enough before I left."

"Yes, Master Crainden. Please be careful."

He surprised her by using her honorific title. Did he know? She was sure he had suspicions, but not positive if he had enough insight to see what was going on. She pulled the young man into a tight hug. "Be good, young Obi-Wan. Take care of yourself and your Master. Remember all you have learned here on Alderaan."

He returned her hug. "Yes, Master. I will. I hope to see you when I return to Coruscant."

She froze. She knew she would not be going back to Coruscant, but couldn't tell him that. "I will see you again, Obi-Wan. I promise."

They broke the embrace and Shaana moved down the hill. Obi-Wan watched her until she disappeared. He wondered what was so important that would make her leave so quickly. He turned around and returned to his tent.

Obi-Wan and Prince Bail settled the negotiations in record time. Once back in the capital, the young Jedi had several days before Senator Antilles was ready to leave. He spent the time learning to horseback ride with the prince. They became great friends.

On the journey back to Coruscant, Obi-Wan asked Senator Antilles where Shaana had gone. The older man dodged his questions without telling him anything. The day before they arrived, Obi-Wan felt a disturbance in the Force. He had no idea from where it had come and vowed to ask Master Qui-Gon when they landed.

Qui-Gon was not at the landing pad as he had hoped. There was a note directing him to the Jedi Temple. Upon reaching the Temple, a runner was waiting to take him to Master Yoda's chambers. Confused, he followed the messenger and knocked on the Jedi's door.


Obi-Wan opened the door and took one step inside. He bowed his head. "You wished to see me, Master Yoda."

"Ah, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Please come in and have a seat. Something I must discuss with you there is."

He moved into the central room where Yoda sat in a chair similar to the one he had in the Council chambers. Several pillows were scattered about for visitors. He dropped cross-legged to the floor in front of the Jedi Master.

"Always hard this is," he said. His voice was tired and he looked worn.

"What is hard, Master?" he asked, hoping to entice Yoda into revealing why he was there.

Yoda sighed. "Always in a hurry young ones are. Never taking time to look around."

Obi-Wan blushed and lowered his head in shame. "I apologize, Master. I was hoping to find Master Qui-Gon waiting at the landing pad. I felt a great disturbance on the way back from Alderaan and I wished to ask him about it."

"Felt it you did? Then you know."

"Know what?"

He sighed again. "Hard this is. Yes, very hard." The diminutive Master closed his eyes and forced back the tears. "Know you why Shaana left Alderaan?"

"She said it had something to do with the visions she was having. She told me nothing more."

Yoda's shoulders sagged. "The visions, they were of her apprentices."

"I didn't think she had any apprentices."

That made the Jedi Master chuckle, though it was very sad. "Oh, think you that when you leave your Master you do not remain an apprentice? In your Master's eyes, an apprentice you will always be."

The young Jedi nodded in understanding. "What were the visions telling her?"

Yoda frowned. "They were being murdered," he said in a low tone.

Obi-Wan blinked. How could that be? "Murdered? Were there other apprentices?"

"Only Shaana's. That was their fate. As was it her fate to join them."

"Join them? You mean..."

Yoda nodded. "Yes."

Obi-Wan was in shock. How could she be gone? She had a daughter and a granddaughter she wished to teach the ways of the Force. She couldn't leave them. She couldn't leave him either. "No, that's impossible. No one could best Master Shaana." Panic flowed through his entire being.

"Calm yourself." Yoda flicked a taloned hand at him. Obi-Wan felt the panic diminish. "You must be focused."

He clinched his eyes shut, trying to force the tears back. "I'm sorry, Master Yoda. I... Who did this?"

"A dark Jedi, Lord Tarren. Shaana's greatest rival was he."

"Was... he was killed?"

"Yes. By Shaana's hand he was. Before his minions surrounded her."

Obi-Wan slumped. The tears flowed freely now. After a moment, he sniffed and wiped his eyes. "Has her family been told?"


"I would like to volunteer to do that."

Yoda looked curiously at the young man. "Why do you wish that?"

"I was the last to see her alive. Since I was unable to thank her for everything she did to help me, I would like to repay her kindness by doing this."

He nodded. "Done it is. Arrange a shuttle for you, I will. Let you know when to leave."

Obi-Wan stood and bowed. "Thank you, Master Yoda. I will not let you down."

"Never will you, young one."
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